Meet Our Community – Allie Clupper

Allie is a gentle soul with a strong practice! She loves teaching Yin and gentle styles of yoga but also loves to challenge herself and students during flow style practices. She received her 200-hour certification in Asheville, NC and is currently working towards her 500-hour certification while learning from experienced teachers such as Leslie Kaminoff. Allie has training in many different styles of yoga, and Ayurveda. Allie teaches a variety of yoga classes at Village Yoga year around. Learn more about Allie below…

Name: Allie ClupperMeet Our Community - Allie Clupper | Village Yoga
Years practicing Yoga: 9 years. I started going to free Kundalini yoga classes as a freshman in college and was instantly hooked to the feeling of calm and well-being that I experienced.
Years teaching YogaI have been teaching yoga seriously for one year, but completed my yoga teacher training three years ago.
Why do you teach? I teach yoga to spread those feelings of peace and well-being.  I like to help other people let go, relax, and heal-emotionally and physically.  I also teach to challenge myself, to leave my quiet comfort zone.  It helps me be a stronger, more confident person and it also keeps me on my toes- I am constantly reading and learning about yoga to become a better teacher.
What’s your favorite kind of class to teach and why?  I am torn between two very different styles.
 I love a fun, fast flow class with a lot of great jams to get good and sweaty- followed by a nice long savasana to relax.  I love challenging students to balance, and to feel strong and confident in standing poses.  I also love getting into a flow in these classes- repeating movements and matching them with the Meet Our Community - Allie Clupper | Village Yogabreath so that you start to almost feel like you are dancing.
I equally love to teach Yin Yoga.  Yin yoga is the opposite of the normal running around and expending our energy that we do all day.  Yin yoga is characterized by long holds in seated and supine poses, so that you stretch out the muscles, but then you also start to work the connective tissue around your joints.  There is not a lot of movement in these classes, so students have a lot of opportunity to close their eyes, turn inward, and pay attention to their breath.  It gets rather meditative, and students leave feeling calm, centered, and balanced.  Yin yoga has also really helped benefit my asana in more “yang” style flow classes, because you really start to open up the hips and heal around the joints in a yin practice.
Describe your personal practice…
My personal practice is a mix of slow sun salutations, mindful movement, meditation, some fun arm balances and inversions.  It just depends on what is going on in my life.  If I am working a lot and doing too much, I will practice more yin yoga.  If I am sore from waiting tables, hip openers are key.  A few minutes of meditation in the morning greatly enhances my attitude and performance throughout the day.
What does Yoga mean to you?
Yoga means everything to me!  Yoga makes me feel so much more connected and comfortable with myself.  It helps me know myself better, and helps me be more in tune with my body and mind.  Being mindful of my breath and watching my thoughts in class helps me do the same off the mat- to be more mindful of my thoughts, words, and actions.  By being more mindful, I feel like I can be more present with people, be more real, and do away with some of the bullshit in life!  Yoga helps me cultivate more confidence and contentment within myself, which in turn helps me be more loving, compassionate, patient, and kind.  Yoga helps me spread that good stuff all around. Meet Our Community - Allie Clupper | Village Yoga
When you’re not practicing yoga, you’re…
When I am not practicing yoga I am walking on the beach with my best doggy friend, Duncan.  I like to go early in the morning and take in the breathtaking beauty of our beaches.  I like to watch the birds, look for treasures, and let Duncan run like crazy.
I also love to garden and grow vegetables, herbs, and flowers.  I love to cook and share meals with my friends and family.
My family is very important to me, and we are always hanging out, eating, laughing, and helping each other with various projects.  I feel very blessed to be surrounded by my family, from my baby niece who will be born in June, to my Granny who will be 100 this winter.
Oh yeah, and sometimes I work waiting tables.
Meet Our Community - Allie Clupper | Village Yoga
Who or what inspires you?
My dog inspires me to take life less seriously and enjoy myself.
My Granny inspires me to be positive and grateful for what I have.
My nephews inspire me to be curious, nonjudgmental and fun.
My friends inspire me with their creativity and many talents.
The natural world inspires me to give thanks for the amazing place where I live and spent my childhood.
My yoga practice inspires me to do what feels good and to follow my heart more.
Tell us a unique fact about yourself
I’m kind of old-school for a 26 year old!  People make fun of me for having a flip phone. I also don’t have air conditioning.  It’s just not my thing.  I love being warm.