Kerri joined our community last year and brings a unique richness of energy to the studio and community. She is one of the co-founders, and yoga teacher, of a local girls empowerment group on the Outer Banks. Her classes are open and free allowing students space to find just what they’re looking for. Kerri teaches on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 and subs regularly. Learn more about Kerri below. . .
Years practicing Yoga:
I took my first yoga class my senior year at JMU. I will never forget how the sun felt as I walked back to my place. It was one of the first times that I was able to really experience the present moment and enjoy the beauty around me.
Years teaching Yoga:
I started a yoga teacher training program in September 2013 and started teaching in January 2014.
Why do you teach?
Yoga has inspired so many positive changes in my life. Now as a teacher, I am able to give back that gift to others and potentially open the same door that was opened for me many years ago.
What’s your favorite kind of class to teach and why?
My favorite kind of class…that is a hard question. I try to stay true to the class description but some of the class is determined by both my energy and the energy of the students. I guess I would say that my favorite kind of class is when I can find that perfect balance of connecting to the students and helping them unite their mind, body, and spirit through their practice. This connection can come from a Warm Vinyasa Level II class or a Gentle class.
Describe your personal practice…
After completing training, I found that keeping my own personal practice as a priority can be more difficult. Personally, I try to learn from as many teachers as possible around me. The Outer Banks has a great community of teachers to learn from. I also travel a lot for work so I try to take at least one class each time I travel. It is a great way to continue developing my own personal practice but I also try to learn at least one new technique and try to apply it to my own teaching style.
What does Yoga mean to you?
Yoga, for me, means allowing yourself to experience the present moment. To find ease in your own body. To find comfort with your own voice. To find comfort with your own emotions. Yoga allows you to experience the happiness with what life has to offer you right now and be content with the sadness that we all experience at times. To me, it is finding the balance between love, fear, sadness, peace, joy – while connecting with others who are all on their own personal journey.
When you’re not practicing yoga, you’re…
I am either working, spending time with loved ones, or having quiet time to myself. If the temperature is above 75 and the sun is shining, you will most likely find me on the beach
Who or what inspires you?
Anyone who passionately follows their dreams. One of my favorite quotes comes from, On the Road, by Jack Kerouac;
“They danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I’ve been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”
Tell us a unique fact about yourself.
Usually, telling people that I teach yoga is my unique fact. I guess people are frequently surprised that I am truly an introvert. I love teaching and spending time with friends but I have learned that I need to make sure that I recharge my “battery”.