Sandy Brookeshire

Sandy Brookeshire was first introduced to yoga by her mother when she was a child. She began a regular practice in the 70’s while living on the West Coast. It was then that her curiosity and interest grew about yogic philosophy and the teachings of the ancient yogis. After moving back east in 1985, she became a student of Swami Satchinananda and Integral Yoga. His philosophy of “Truth is one, paths are many” remains a guiding principle in her life.

Sandy Brookeshire Village Yoga Teacher

Yoga nidra teacher

In 2010 she was first exposed to yoga Nidra at a stress management conference at the Sivananda Ashram in the Bahamas. This method of guided meditation became a regular practice and in March 2015, Sandy began her studies with Guru Amrit Desai and was certified to teach yoga Nidra at Amrit Institute in Florida.

Sandy uses the principles of yoga with students to help them relax in the present moment and to contribute to their wholeness and aliveness through relaxation. The beauty of yoga Nidra is that it is available to almost anyone and the benefits are numerous. Sandy believes that teaching yoga Nidra is an extension of her personal spiritual disciple that enriches her life and helps others.