Self Love is the Best Love

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Not very long ago, yoga was a foreign “activity” to me.  Had you told me five years ago, that I would be practicing yoga almost daily, understanding and speaking in sanskrit, teaching yoga five times a week, and writing a blog post for a yoga studio; I would have said you’d lost it!  Luckily, things have changed, and here I sit, and type.

Practicing yoga has taught me many things over the past few years: how to breathe, how to listen to myself and others, how to deal with discomfort, how to be vulnerable, and most importantly, how to love myself- my true self.  Of course, I’ve heard people repeating, multiple times, to do what is best for “you” but growing up (minus a few self-ish bouts of teenage years) I’d always tried to put others’ first: doing what my friends wanted to do, eating what everyone else wanted to eat, saying and doing what I thought others wanted me to say or do.  I became so passive, that when asked (genuinely asked) what really wanted and what my goals were, I had no idea. How scary is that?  I feel like this is a common misfortune in today’s world, where we are so “go, go, go and do, do, do” while trying to please others, and we put ourselves on the back burner.  Eventually burning out, and allowing ourselves to get caught in routine and settling.

Through meditation and regular asana practice, I have learned to modify with injuries and rest when I need it, even if I really want to push through pain and keep going- on and off my yoga mat.  Learning to be kind to yourself can be pretty difficult. It can be frightening! Listening to your thoughts, allowing yourself to go in and really feel things. Once you give yourself permission to listen and cater to your needs and go after your dreams, your life could change drastically, simply by changing your perspective and getting to know yourself.  I’ll invite you to do you and find what truly serves you!

At Village Yoga, no matter the class, we strive to allow students to find freedom in their bodies and promote loving kindness.  Offering a variety of classes, you’ll be sure to find what you need.  Perhaps try a more slow paced practice if you are typically drawn to heat building yang practices, and vice versa… you never know, you may find a little different insight to yourself.  We have regularly scheduled gentle and yin classes weekly.


Written By: Charlee Ulmer