We may be small, but we’ve got BIG things happening at Village Yoga! Including our Yoga Weekend with Emilie Perz, one of LA’s top yoga teachers, Friday September 9th through Sunday September 11th. Who is Emilie and what is she offering while visiting our unique little sandbar? We thought you’d like to know, so we asked Emilie a few questions about her and her workshops!
– In less than 10 words, who are you? A passionate yogi using body biomechanics to promote health & longevity.
– When and why did you start practicing yoga? When I was a young teen to offset the turmoil I was enduring from the passing of my father.
– What are we going to learn while you are here? The potency behind these postures and how to make sense of them in your own unique body. It’s not about one size fits all postures. These workshops are about examining your individuality and how yoga works for you. Tailor your practice to fit your needs and you’ll leave feeling grounded and connected.
– Why do you teach yoga? Because the single most fascinating thing is the Self and our quest to understand it and what yoga reveals to us is our own Self’s purpose and how to fulfill it.
– How do you teach yoga medicine? I work clinically along side doctors creating yoga therapeutic plans for patients that address specific muscular disorders and overall health and wellbeing. My goal is to help pioneer this new form of care for doctors worldwide.
– Anything else you would like to add? For me teaching isn’t about getting somewhere. There is no goal or accomplishment in the yoga practice. There is instead a great depth of mindfulness and awareness we build around ourselves through this practice within our bodies that makes us more sensitive and compassionate to our unique abilities on and off the mat.
Emilie Perz
Learn more about Emilie and her upcoming workshop at Village Yoga. Huge thanks to Emilie for taking time to answer these questions and sharing her passion with us!